Server DLLs Tab

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Server DLLs Tab

Server DLLs are a unique and power feature of the Apollo Database Server. Special DLLs called Server DLLs may be developed and deployed along with the Apollo Database Server. These Server DLLs can perform numerous functions, including high-speed data management. Essentially, anything that can be done in a regular DLL, can be accomplished with an Apollo Server DLL.

image\tip.gif Server DLLs must be created using Borland Delphi or C++Builder. See the Apollo VCL documentation for specific information on the creation of Server DLLs.

Server DLLs need to be registered with a database. This section allows you to identify which DLLs (if any) within the defined Database aliases have DLLs that contain callable procedures or functions for use by the Apollo Database Server.




Copy your Server DLL into a directory listed in the Database alias list and it will appear in the list of available Server DLLs for that alias.

Select the Database Name from the left pane. All Server DLLs located in the same directory will be listed in the right pane. Click the check box beside each Server DLL that is to be made available to the Apollo Database Server as Server DLLs. Only the Server DLLs that have been checked (selected) will be considered for use by the Apollo Database Server.

Once one or more Server DLLs have been registered to a database, the procedures and functions within that Server DLL(s) will be displayed under the database name in the left window. These functions are refered to as Server Procedures. The Server Procedures are read directly from the Server DLL. So, if the function or procedure you expect to see does not appear in the list, then something has gone wrong – for example, perhaps the wrong Server DLL was copied. This functionality provides an instant visual verification that the Server Procedures expected to be available to the server are actually recognized by the Apollo Database Server.

image\tip.gif Server DLL procedure and function names are case-sensitive and must be called by your client application exactly as they are shown in this window

See Also

Databases Tab