Getting Started

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Getting Started

Apollo COM's two main objects are Table and Query. Each allow you to access local tables or remote tables through the Apollo Database Server simply by changing the AccessMethod and setting the correct DatabaseName properties.

The Table object allows you to access tables directly in local or client/server mode.

The Query object uses the Apollo SQL query engine to manage data files using SQL commands.


VB syntax

Private Sub Command1_Click()


Dim oTable As Object

Dim last, first As String

Dim age, recs As Integer


' Local data access

Set oTable = CreateObject("ApolloCOM9.Table")


' Apollo can access data directly or it can connect to

' the Apollo Server ("amServer") and operate in client/server mode

oTable.AccessMethod = "amLocal"

oTable.DatabaseName = "c:\Apollo\9.0\x86\Data\"

oTable.TableName = "Test.DBF"




While Not oTable.EOF


 first = Trim(oTable.GetString("FIRST"))

 last = Trim(oTable.GetString("LAST"))

 age = oTable.GetInteger("AGE")

 list.AddItem (first + " " + last + " " + CStr(age))


 oTable.Skip (1)





Set oTable = Nothing


End Sub