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RecordSource is the string given as the Source argument to the ADO Recordset.Open method.

It can be a simple file name, such as "DEMO.DBF", or simply "DEMO" (the .DBF extension is assumed by default). It can be a string consisting of several parts (tags) separated with ";" as in standard ConnectionString syntax. The order of tags is unimportant. For example:


This is the only way to open a file with an index order.

The File tag ("File=...") specifies the file name.

The Dir tag ("Dir=...") can override the "Data Source" property from ConnectionString.

The Index tag ("Index=…") defines an index file name or a tag name within a compound index file (.CDX/.NSX). If its values starts with "TAG:", as in Index=TAG:CUSTNO, it specifies tag name as used in sx_TagArea (for compound indexes),

ReadOnly tag ("ReadOnly=True" or "ReadOnly=False") overrides the "Mode" property from ConnectionString.

Exclusive tag ("Exclusive=True" or "Exclusive=False") overrides the "Mode" property from ConnectionString.