New in Apollo SQL

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New in Apollo SQL

New 32-bit and 64-bit support

Apollo SQL has been rewritten so that all calls are direct to the underlying Apollo data engine. The object layer used in previous versions of Apollo SQL has been removed. Performance is now 10-100x faster than ever before. Our tests show the new Apollo SQL engine to be 200% faster than the BDE using Paradox.

Apollo SQL has been re-engineered to use available indexes when processing queries. The result of this change is a huge performance increase in query access ranging in data access times that are anywhere from 5 to 50x faster than previous versions.

A new parsing engine automatically extracts the tables names referenced in the query. This allows developers to issue SQL statements without having to explicitly define the individual table information using SetTables or the visual TableNames property in Apollo VCL.

The new SQL engine is compatible with Apollo v9 only.

Support for new, non-standard operators '=>' and '=<' has been added to process FOR clauses of queries. This was added for backwards compatibility with FoxPro.

New inline support for defining table specific information directly in a SQL statement has been added. Use the symbol pair [* *] to enclose the table specific details. See Inline Table Definitions for details.

New inline support for custom optimization settings See OptimizeJoin and OptimizeWhere in the inline table definitions.

Full database path support (e.g. SELECT * FROM C:\Test\Test.DBF)