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function ApolloFieldCount: Word;


Extracts the number of fields in the current table. This number does not include the hidden delete flag field.

image\tip.gif To avoid a naming conflict with TDataSet.FieldCount, the old TApollo.FieldCount method has been renamed to ApolloFieldCount in this release. Unlike TDataSet.FieldCount, this method does NOT recognize calculated fields, and strictly returns the number of physical fields within the table.

Return Value

An integer containing the number of fields in each record.

Delphi Example

// Fills a list box with field names

procedure Form1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);


 iFldCount, i: Integer; 



         iFldCount := ApTbl.ApolloFieldCount;

         for i := 1 to iFldCount do  

                 ListBox1.Items.Add( ApTbl.FieldName( i ));  


See Also

FieldDecimals, FieldName, FieldNum, FieldOffset, FieldType, FieldWidth