Appending Records

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Appending Records


When adding records from a source table using AppendFrom, all active indexes are also being updated as the new records are added to the table. Depending on the number of records in each table, it might be faster to simply close all indexes before doing the AppendFrom. Then after the AppendFrom operation has completed, rebuild your index files.


For example, if you have a 100,000 record table with five associated index files, and you will be doing an AppendFrom another table with only 1000 records in it, no speed degradation should apply. However, if you are appending 100,000 records into a 1000 record table, it will be more efficient to close all open indexes, do the AppendFrom, and rebuild the indexes from scratch.


This not only applies to AppendFrom, but will also apply if you are doing a loop with a large number of sequential calls to AppendBlank and Replace .