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procedure Connect;


Attempts to connect the client to the server at the location specified by the Host and Port properties. If the connection fails, the OnError event is fired. Otherwise, if an OnError event handler is not defined and the connection fails, an exception is raised that can be trapped by a try…except block.


This only connects to the server, but does not perform a user login. To log into the server, you would also need to set the User and Password properties and call the Login method. You will not be able to open any tables until also performing a call to Login.

image\tip.gif Setting the Active property to True when the User and Password properties are set is the same as calling Connect followed by Login, and is the preferred technique for logging into the server.

Delphi Example

function TForm1.ConnectToServer( sHost: String ): Boolean;


 ApolloConnection1.Host := sHost; 

 Result := True; 



         ApolloConnection1.User := 'SYSDBA'; 

         ApolloConnection1.Password := 'masterkey'; 



         ShowMessage( 'Connection failed!' ); 




See Also

LoginLogin, DisconnectDisconnect, ActiveTApolloConnection_Active, OnErrorOnError