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function FileSend( sDatabaseName, srcFile, desFile: String ): Integer;


Transfers a file (any file) from the client to the remote server. The file will be copied from the local (client) directory and file name specified in the srcFile parameter. The destination file name (desFile) will be copied to the remote server directory associated with the sDatabaseName parameter. Use the FileExists method to insure that no remote file of this name already exists. The return value is the number of bytes transferred to the server.


sDatabaseName is the remote database name where the destination file will be sent to.

srcFile is the name of the source file to be copied from the local machine. This parameter may include the drive and path information.

desFile is the name of the destination file to be created on the remote server.


The number of bytes sent are returned as an Integer. This value can be compared to the result of FileLength to verify a successful transfer.

Delphi Example

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);


 SearchRec: TSearchRec; 

 iLen : Integer; 


 ApolloConnection1.Active := True;

 with ApolloConnection1 do 


         // If this file already exists on server, prompt user for confirmation 

         if FileExists( 'SAMPLEDATA', 'MYTEST.DBF' ) then 

                 if MessageDlg( 'Overwrite existing file on server?', mtConfirmation, mbOkCancel, 0 ) = mrCancel then 


                 // Verify source file exists, and get length of file 

         if SysUtils.FindFirst( 'C:\Apollo\MyTest.dbf', faArchive, SearchRec ) = 0 then 


                 // Send file to server, get number of bytes transferred... 

                 iLen := FileSend( 'SAMPLEDATA', 'C:\Apollo\MyTest.dbf', 'MYTEST.DBF' );


                 // ... and compare them to original file length 

                 if iLen <> SearchRec.Size then 

                         ShowMessage( 'Error sending file!' ); 


         SysUtils.FindClose( SearchRec ); 



See Also

FileReceive, FileExists, DatabaseName