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function GetMemo( sFieldName: String; iLineWidth: Integer): PChar;


Extracts the contents of a memo (M) field as a PChar and optionally format the memo with hard carriage returns and line feeds for printing.


sFieldName: The name of the field.

iLineWidth: The width of a formatted line that will be terminated with a carriage return-line feed (to the nearest word boundary). If iLineWidth is zero, no formatting is performed. Pass iLineWidth as zero if displaying the memo contents in a multiline text box. Windows will automatically perform word wrap within a multiline control. Note that existing hard coded carriage return-line feed pairs are left intact.

Return Value

The a reference to the memo contents is returned as a PChar. An empty memo is returned as a NULL string ('' or #0).

image\tip.gif WARNING: When you are finished with the memo, you must deallocate the string space with MemDealloc unless the string length is 0 (NULL) in which case you must not deallocate the memory. Do not use any other memory management function (from the Windows API or Delphi's FreeMem procedure) to free the memory.

Delphi Example

procedure Form1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);


 cpMemoText: PChar; 


 if ApTbl.Empty( 'NOTES' ) then 

         Memo1.Text := '' 



         cpMemoText := ApTbl.GetMemo( 'NOTES', 0 );

         Memo1.SetTextBuf( cpMemoText ); 

         ApTbl.MemDealloc( cpMemoText ); 


 Edit1.Text := ApTbl.GetTrimString( 'LAST' ); 

 Edit2.Text := ApTbl.GetTrimString( 'CITY' ); 


See Also

Replace, MemDealloc