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Apollo's sample local access programs are installed, by default, to ..\VCL\Samples\Delphi and/or ..\vcl\Samples\CBuilder.


image\tip.gif All samples may not be currently included for C++Builder. Additional samples for both Delphi and C++Builder will be made available for download from the Vista Software web site as they are prepared.



Simple browser application called Amazo-App used by the Apollo VCL Tutorial.


..\CalcTest\ CalcTest\.DPR

Calculated Fields with TApolloTable



Simple client application that connects to the Apollo Database Server


..\ ClientServer2\ApolloSampleClient.DPR

Client application that connects to the Apollo Database Server


..\ ClientServer1\FishFact.DPR

Borland's FishFact demo converted to connect to the Apollo Database Server



Interactive (visual) table creation utility.



Defining and using a custom error-handling call-back function to trap all Apollo engine (SDE) errors.



Exporting to and importing from ASCII text (comma-delimited and SDF) files.


..\ExtraInd\ ExtraInd.DPR

Use extra indexes.



Demonstrates simple use of Fast Text Search index on a .DBF.


..\GenExmpl\ GenExmpl.DPR

Creating new tables programmatically, replacing field data, creating an index, setting queries, and limiting the table view through index scopes.


..\IndxFlip\ IndxFlip.DPR

Dynamic Ascending/Descending indexes using TApolloTable's IndexFlip method.


..\KeyAdd\ KeyAdd.DPR

Creating and using Roll-Your-Own (RYO) indexes using TApolloTable's KeyAdd and KeyDrop methods.



Optimistic locking.


..\Man2Man\ Man2Man.DPR

One way to achieve a many-to-many relationship as a possible alternative to SQL joins.


..\ModiStru\ ModiStru.DPR

Utility to modify the structure of an existing Apollo table.



Example showing several ways to construct a query expression achieving different result sets and different levels of optimization.



Relating tables using TApolloTable's MasterFields and MasterSource properties.



Relating tables using the TApolloTable.SetRange method.



Relating tables using the TApolloTable.SetRelation method.



Relating tables using the TApolloTable.SetScope method.



Use multiple record locking.



Creating and using Roll-Your-Own (RYO) Filters.


..\ServerDLL\ ServerDLLSample.DPR

Create a Server DLL for use with Apollo Database Server.



Sample showing how to call the Apollo SQL add-on engine.



Shows how to create powerful User Defined Functions (UDFs) which can be used in index expressions.