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property ScopeEnd: String;


Gets or sets the the high (bottom) Scope value used when the Scoped property is True. This value must be of equal or greater value than the corresponding ScopeBegin value. Otherwise, you can also pass a NULL string ('' or #0) for this property to have it behave as if it were the same value as ScopeBegin.

Delphi Example

// Display all records where LASTNAME starts with A through C

ApTbl.IndexName := 'LASTNAME';

ApTbl.ScopeBegin := 'A';

ApTbl.ScopeEnd := 'C';

ApTbl.Scoped := True;


// Display all records where AGE (a NUMERIC field) is from 25 to 35

ApTbl.IndexName := 'AGE';

ApTbl.ScopeBegin := IntToStr(25);

ApTbl.ScopeEnd := IntToStr(35);

ApTbl.Scoped := True;

C+Builder Example

// Display all records where LASTNAME starts with A through C

ApTbl->IndexName = "LASTNAME";

ApTbl->ScopeBegin = "A";

ApTbl->ScopeEnd = "C";

ApTbl->Scoped = TRUE;


// Display all records where AGE (a NUMERIC field) is from 25 to 35

ApTbl->IndexName = "AGE";

ApTbl->ScopeBegin = IntToStr(25);

ApTbl->ScopeEnd = IntToStr(35);

ApTbl->Scoped = TRUE;

See Also

ScopeBegin, Scoped, GetScope, SetScope