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procedure TApolloEngine.SetMachineCollation;


Forces DOS-ASCII and Windows-ASCII chars to be machine ordered rather than linguistic. Add ApolloEngInt to your unit.


Machine collation cannot orient itself onto a specific language. It compares direct char values rather than their linguistic or alphabetical meanings.


SetSystemCollation initializes both DOS' and Windows' char collation tables with actual orientation onto system locale (so all "Stuff Over Symbols such as _stuff_over_ symbols are sorted in according to their alphabetical places of a particular

alphabet). What table will be used for char ordering (DOS' or Windows') depends from OEMTranslate flag. The referred SetOEMCollate fills only DOS collation table.


Additional trick. If you are using DOS' DBF data. Perhaps the only you need is to set OEMTranslate flag for your tables instead of calling SetOEMCollate().


It is possible that the default DOS' char order from system coincides with one in OEMSort.txt.


Using SetOEMCollate could make your application independent from system's language if that is desired.




Return Value



See Also

Sort Order, Collation Support Summary