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function SetOrder( iIndex: Integer ): Integer;


Selects an existing order as the controlling index order.


When compound indexes are opened (either automatically as structural indexes or explicitly via IndexOpen) there is no controlling order presumed. You must explicitly select an order with SetOrder.


iIndex: This is the integer identifier of the order attached to this work area that is returned by IndexOpen, IndexOrd, Index, or TagArea. When using NTX and IDX indexes, this value should be retained in a global variable to ensure your ability to switch to this order when required.

The current order identifier may be retrieved with IndexOrd.

image\tip.gif If iIndex is passed as zero, all index orders are turned off and the table record sequence reverts to natural order.

Return Value

The previous index order identifier in use is returned. If zero, there was no previous index order in use.

Delphi Example

// open file and set order


iCustIndex1 := ApTbl.IndexOpen( 'c:\Apollo\Data\cust1.ntx' );

iCustIndex2 := ApTbl.IndexOpen( 'c:\Apollo\Data\cust2.ntx' );

iRetVal := ApTbl.SetOrder( iCustIndex1 );

C++Builder Example

// open file and set order


iCustIndex1 = ApTbl->IndexOpen( "c:\\Apollo\\Data\\cust1.ntx" );

iCustIndex2 = ApTbl->IndexOpen( "c:\\Apollo\\Data\\cust2.ntx" );

iRetVal = ApTbl->SetOrder( iCustIndex1 );

See Also

Index, IndexOpen, IndexOrd, TagArea, TagName