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The TApolloDatabase component is similar to the standard Delphi/C++Builder TDatabase component, yet far less complex. In fact, this component has only two properties of interest – DataPath and DataPathAlias.


These properties are for use in defining an 'alias' name to be used by the DatabaseName property of one or more TApolloTables.


By setting multiple TApolloTable's to reference the same alias, you only need to change the meaning or physical path of that alias once – and in one place -- to have that change reflected in all TApolloTable components that share the same alias.


The TApolloDatabase component also has three main methods of interest – OpenDatasets, CloseDataSets, and RefreshDataSets.


These three methods pretty much do as they are named for all datasets that have their DatabaseName property set to an alias specified by the calling TApolloDatabase component's DataPathAlias value.



See Also

DataPathDataPath, DataPathAliasDataPathAlias, OpenDatasetsTApolloDatabase_OpenDataSets, CloseDataSetsTApolloDatabase_CloseDataSets, RefreshDataSetsTApolloDatabase_RefreshDataSets