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Since TApolloTable is a direct TDataSet descendant, by default, it contains all of the standard TDataSet properties and methods. However, you typically would not use a TDataSet object itself, and may be more familiar with its descendants, TTable and TQuery. Both of these objects add additional properties and methods, many specific to the BDE and the functionality found therein.


Thus, since TApolloTable inherits directly from TDataSet and not from TTable, it is important that you do not assume that a property or method found on TTable will also appear in the TApolloTable class. The reason TApolloTable does not inherit from TTable is that, if it did, your application would require the BDE to be distributed with it, in addition to the Apollo .DLLs used by TApolloTable itself.


The following is a list of the additional, altered, or enhanced properties found in TApolloTable.


image\tip.gif Standard TDataSet properties where TApolloTable may not alter or enhance the usual behavior are not documented here, and the documentation for those can be found in the standard Delphi or C++Builder help files under the TDataSet reference.




Indicates if the table is to be opened locally (amLocal) or through the server (amServer).


Tests if a skip has been attempted that would place the record pointer before the first record in the file.


Identifies the TApolloConnection component to attach this TApolloTable to. The TApolloConnection is then connected to the Apollo Server.


Tests if a record movement function has placed the record pointer beyond the last record in the file. Use with SpeedMode only.


See the Delphi/C++Builder VCL help for TDataSet.Bof. To avoid this naming conflict, the old TApollo.Bof method has been renamed to ApolloBof in this release. Generally, both behave the same. , except when SpeedMode is True. Then, ApolloBof should always be used instead of Bof for accuracy.


Determines how Apollo will manage buffers.

clFull or 0 = Always write data to disk. Flushes both Apollo and Windows buffers. Slowest mode, but most secure.

clNormal or 1 = Always flush Apollo buffers but let Windows decide when to write data to disk. Normal mode of operation and recommended.

clNone or 2 = Do not flush any buffers, letting Apollo and Windows manage the writing of data to disk. Fastest mode but should be used in single user mode only.

Note: C++B must use the number 2 instead of clNone.


The physical path of a local table, or the alias name for a local or remote table.


Run-time, Read-only. Contains the physical path (drive and directory) of the table associated with this TapolloTable.


Indicates if the current record is marked for deletion (True) or not (False).


See the Delphi/C++Builder VCL help for TDataSet.Eof. To avoid this naming conflict, the old TApollo.Eof method has been renamed to ApolloEof in this release. Generally, both behave the same, except when SpeedMode is True. Then, ApolloBof should always be used instead of ApolloBof for accuracy.


Sets the EOF action that should take place after a failed Seek.


True if the table referenced by the DatabaseName and TableName properties exists. False if not.


List of non-structural index files associated with the current table object. This support is typically used with .NTX index files.


The number of records to fetch in each batch read from the Apollo Database Server.


Run-time, Read-only. Contains the default index file extension for the selected TableType.


Allows specifying the desired index order to be used to calls to the internal Locate method.


Run-time, Read-Only. Returns total number of records currently locked. (NOTE: Multiple record locking is not available under Delphi 3.x)


Run-time, Read-Only. Refrences items in the list of records that are currently locked. (NOTE: Multiple record locking is not available under Delphi 3.x)


Password value to be used with encrypted tables.


Extracts the physical number of records in the current table.


Extracts the current physical record number.


Sets or gets the low Scope value used by Scoped property.


Sets a Scope using the range specified by the ScopeBegin and ScopeEnd properties.


Sets or gets the high Scope value used by Scoped property.


If True (default), the vertical scroll bars in attached TDBGrid controls will be truly positional and proportional. If False, the standard three-position scroll bar is used.


Determines the method by which the record count of the table is determined for use in calculating vertical scroll bar positions in grid controls.


Disconnects from TdataSet layer and interfaces directly with the Apollo API functions. This setting provides extraordinary performance, much faster than simply using TApolloTable.DisableControls.


Identifies the database engine dialect to be used to open the table.


Disable/Enables automatic index file locking during Seek and other repositioning.


Read-only. Extracts the name and version number currently in use.


Run-time, Read-only. The table's numeric work area identifier.


Run-time. Sets and queries Apollo's internal writing of proprietary BLOB header information used when writing/reading Blob fields (ftBlob).