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procedure Unlock( lRecNum: LongInt );


Removes specific record and/or file locks from the current work area.

image\tip.gif In earlier releases, this function was, for the most part, simply remapped to call TApolloTable's Post method, and was included to assist in migration from xBase syntax. That behavior precluded the use of Apollo's multiple record-locking functionality and so this method has since been changed. The new RLock behavior locks the rocord but it does not place the record in Edit mode. Therefore, before updating a records in this way, you should either set SpeedMode to True, or just use the Edit method instead. You should generally only call RLock directly when you require multple records locked at the same time, or when using SpeedMode on a shared table. Multiple record locking is not available under Delphi 3.x.


lRecNum: Indicates the specific record number to be unlocked. Passing a zero (0) unlocks all records and removes any file lock.

Delphi Example

with ApTbl do


 SpeedMode := True; 

 if RLock( RecNo ) then 


         StrPCopy( cpTemp, BoxName.Text ); 

         Replace( 'NAME', R_CHAR, @cpTemp ); 

         Unlock( RecNo );



         ShowMessage( 'Record lock failed' ); 

 SpeedMode := False; 


C++Builder Example

ApTbl->SpeedMode := TRUE;

if (ApTbl->RLock( ApTbl->RecNo ))


 StrPCopy( cpTemp, BoxName->Text ); 

 ApTbl->Replace( "NAME", R_CHAR, cpTemp ); 

 ApTbl->Unlock( ApTbl->RecNo );



 ShowMessage( "Record lock failed" ); 

ApTbl->SpeedMode := FALSE;

See Also

FLock, Locked, LockCount, LockList, RLock, SetLockTimeout
