Using TApolloQuery to Connect to Local Tables

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Using TApolloQuery to Connect to Local Tables

To use SQL on local tables with Apollo VCL, follow these steps:


1.Create a new application.

2.Drop a TApolloQuery component on the form.

3.Set ApolloQuery1.AccessMethod to amLocal.

4.Set ApolloQuery1.DatabaseName to the physical drive and path where the data is located, or specify an alias defined within a TApolloDatabase component.

5.ApolloQuery1 is now ready to process SQL statements. Edit TApolloQuery.SQL with your SQL statement

6.Set Active to true to execute your query. Or in code, call Open or ExecSQL to issue DDL statements, which commands that do not return a result set such as UPDATE, DELTE, INSERT, CREATE TABLE, etc.

7.Progress of the SQL operation can be tracked through the TApolloConnection events, such as OnServerProgress, when using Apollo SQL on local tables.

See Also

Using TApolloQuery to Connect to Apollo Database Server