xBase Expression Engine

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xBase Expression Engine

See Also

xBase Functions Supported , Using User-Defined Functions (UDFs)


Program functions and symbols used to manipulate xBase data are part of the xBase programming syntax developed for DOS based computers. The programming language used to manipulate xBase files in DOS is not very well suited to Windows applications development. However, many of the xBase functions contained within the xBase programming language exist within every index file. Indexes are con structed using xBase syntax to describe the index order. For example, our telephone white pages would be indexed on "upper(name)". The "upper()" function is used to standardize the characters in the sort key; otherwise, lowercase characters would always come after uppercase characters. A company named "abc cleaners" would appear after "Zeus Tailors".


Any xBase data engine that purports to deal with xBase files and xBase indexes (of any dialect) must be able to understand and apply many of the standard xBase functions. Apollo can do this.


Other xBase operations (such as setting filters and queries) and defining the terms of conditional indexes use xBase syntactical structures as well. In addition, the functions that manipulate xBase dates are unique to xBase date formats so an xBase data engine should be able to deal with these functions as well.


image\tip.gif Apollo does not allow the evaluation of xBase expressions directly from Delphi's Object Pascal code. Evaluation of traditional expressions is rather carried out indirectly by passing the expression as a string to the evaluation engine, which will evaluate the expression and return the result (see the Eval functions).


If you require the result of an xBase expression in your program, use the Eval functions to have TApolloTable evaluate the required expression. For example, if you want the DTOS form of an xBase date:


 sDate := ApTbl.EvalString( 'DTOS(hiredate)' );


In addition to passing results of expressions back to your program, the evaluation engine is also used to deal with standard xBase expressions used in constructing key expressions for indexes, setting filters, and defining conditions. Any function that requires an xBase expression must have the expression passed as a string to the function either as the contents of a string variable or as a literal string.


sExpr := 'UPPER(country) = "GERMANY"';

lRecNum := ApTbl.Query( sExpr );




lRecNum := ApTbl.Query( 'UPPER(country) = "GERMANY"' );


image\tip.gif Embedded literal values must be delimited with double quotes.


If values contained in program variables are to be passed as part of the expression, the variables must be embedded within the expression string by using a string concatenation operator. For example, if the country was solicited from the user and stored in variable sUser, the expression above would be constructed as follows:


sExpr := 'upper(country) = "' + UpperCase(sUser) + '"';

lRecNum := ApTbl.Query( sExpr );


image\tip.gif The maximum allowable length of any xBase expression is 255 characters.


Operators used in xBase expressions are standard in every xBase dialect.

Alias Operator

AliasName->FieldName or AliasName.Field

String Operators

+ Joins two strings. Trailing spaces in the strings are placed at the end of each string.

- Joins two strings and removes trailing spaces from the string preceding the operator and places them at the end of the string following the minus sign operator.

Numeric Operators

+ Addition

- Subtraction

* Multiplication

/ Division

^  Exponentiation (or **)

Relational Operators

= Equal to

== Exactly equal to

<> Not equal to

# Not equal to

!= Not equal to

< Less than

> Greater than

<= Less than or equal to

>= Greater than or equal to

$ Is contained in

Logical Operators


.AND. both expressions are true

.OR. either expression is true

.NOT. either expression is false


(Notice the periods surrounding the operator)

Evaluation Order


When more than one type of operator appears in an xBase expression, the order of evaluation is as follows:


 alias name






Expressions containing more than one operator are evaluated from left to right. Parentheses are used to change the evaluation order. If parentheses are nested, the innermost set is evaluated first.


Numeric operators are evaluated according to generally accepted arithmetic principles:


 operators contained in parentheses


 multiplication and division

 addition and subtraction


Order of evaluation may be altered with parentheses:


 3+4*5+6 = 29

 (3+4)*5+6 = 41

 (3+4)*(5+6) = 77


Logical operators are evaluated as .NOT. first, .AND. second, and .OR. last. Logical evaluation order may also be altered with parentheses. In multiple condi tional expressions that contain the .NOT. operator, always use parentheses to enclose the .NOT. operator with the expression to which it applies. For example, a conditional expression such as


 dtos(eventdate) = dtos(date()) .and. .not. status = "H"

seems innocent enough but according to the rules of precedence it would be evaluated as

 .not.(dtos(eventdate) = dtos(date()) .and. status = "H").


The correct form of the expression is

(dtos(eventdate) = dtos(date())) .and. (.not. status = "H")).