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VB Declaration

Declare Function sx_GetQueryBit Lib "Apollo9.dll"

(ByVal lRecNum As Long)

As Integer

C Declaration

BOOL FAR PASCAL sx_GetQueryBit (LONG lRecNum);


Get the setting of a bit that maps to a record number in an existing bitmap.


lRecNum: The record number of the bit that is being set. It must be > 0 and <= sx_RecCount.

Return Value

TRUE if the bit is set and FALSE if not.

VB Example

' Sets a Query, moves to a specific record and tests if the record

' was in the query condition or not.

lRec = sx_Query( "STATE='CA'" )

sx_Go 500

If sx_GetQueryBit( sx_Recno ) then

MsgBox "Record is in the query."  


MsgBox "Record is NOT in the query."  

End If

C Example

// Set a query, move to a specific record, test if the

// record is in the filter


sx_Go( 500 );

if sx_GetQueryBit( sx_RecNo() )

AfxMessageBox((LPCSTR) "This record is not in the filter");


AfxMessageBox((LPCSTR) "This record is in the filter");

See Also

sx_SetQueryBit, sx_RYOFilterSetBit, sx_Query