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VB Declaration

Declare Function sx_RYOFilterSetBit Lib "Apollo9.dll"

(ByVal iFilterHandle As Integer,  

ByVal lRecNo As Long,  

ByVal iOnOrOff As Integer)  

As Integer

C Declaration


(SHORT iFilterHandle,  

LONG lRecNo,  

SHORT iOnOrOff);


Sets or resets a bit corresponding to the table record represented by lRecNo.


iFilterHandle: An integer identifier of the bitmap returned from either sx_RYOFilterCopy or sx_RYOFilterCreate. If this parameter is passed as zero, the active bitmap is acted upon.

lRecNo: The number of the bit to be set or reset. This number represents the physical location of the table record.

iOnOrOff: If TRUE, the bit is set and the record becomes visible. If FALSE, the bit is reset and is no longer visible when this bitmap is activated.

Return Value

True or False depending on the outcome of the operation.

VB Example

If sx_RYOFilterSetBit( hBitMap, sx_RecNo, True ) Then

MsgBox "Set bit SUCCEEDED for record " + CStr( sx_RecNo ) + "."


MsgBox "Set bit FAILED for record " + CStr( sx_RecNo ) + "."

End If

C Example

// select rec if name is Jones

if (!lstrcmpi(sx_GetTrimString("name"), "Jones")

sx_RYOFilterSetBit( hBitMap, sx_RecNo(), TRUE );

See Also

sx_SetQueryBit, sx_RYOFilterGetBit, sx_GetQueryBit, sx_RYOFilterActivate, sx_RYOFilterCopy, sx_RYOFilterCreate, sx_RYOFilterDestroy