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property SequencedCount: TSequencedCount;


TSequencedCount = (scAll, scFilterOnly, scRaw)


Determines the method by which the record count of the table is determined for use in calculating vertical scroll bar positions in grid controls.


When Sequenced is True (to allow for a true positional DBGrid scrollbar), the thumbnail position calculation must use the total number of records in the table. This SequencedCount property allows the developer to determine the level of accuracy required for this calculation – because on large tables, being completely accurate may be unacceptably slow.


The three possible values for SequencedCount are:


scAll: Accounts for all possible count-limiting possibilities (most accurate, but slowest). Internally calls Count method.


scFilterOnly: Primarily accounts for any active Filters and Scopes only. Internally calls QueryRecCount method.


scRaw: Only returns raw physical record count of table, ignoring any filters, scopes, deleted records, or conditional indexes. Internally calls RecCount method. Since this value is simply read from the header of the table, and no actual counting of records takes place, this is extremely fast. This is the default setting. If additional accuracy is required use scFilterOnly or scAll instead.

Delphi Example

// Enable most accurate (and slowest) count

ApTbl.SequencedCount := scAll;

C++Builder Example

// Enable most accurate (and slowest) count

ApTbl->SequencedCount = scAll;


See Also

Count, QueryRecCount, RecCount, Sequenced