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property TableType: TTableType;


TApolloTableType = (ttSXNONE, ttSXNTX, ttSXFOX, ttSXNSX, ttSXNSX_DBT);


image\tip.gif TApolloTableType is defined in the ApCommon unit. Therefore, this unit must be included in the uses line of any unit containing code that makes direct references to a TApolloTableType value.


Defines the default Apollo data driver dialect to be used to open existing tables. Valid types are:


ttSXNONE – unsupported table type. (Used by TApolloTable.GetTableType)

ttSXNTX – Clipper (.DBF, .DBT, .NTX)

ttSXFOX – FoxPro (.DBF, .FPT, .IDX, .CDX)

ttSXNSX – HiPer-SIx (.DBF, .SMT, .NSX)

ttSXNSX_DBT - Legacy Clipper DBF/DBT/NSX file combination


The default TableType value is ttSXFOX (FoxPro).

Delphi Example

ApolloTable1.TableType := ttSXNSX;


C++Builder Example

ApolloTable1->TableType = ttSXNSX;


See Also

TApolloQuery.TableType , GetTableType